Format:- Fixed Jack - Singles - 3 Woods
Date:- Saturday 4 May 2024 Start:- 1.30pm.
Points Awarded:- 3 Points for a Win, 1 Point for a Draw. Winner is the Player with highest Points total
In the event of a draw at the end of the Competition the
winner is the Player with the highest total of Shots won. If there is still no Winner it will be the
Player with the lowest number of Shots scored against them.
Matches:- Names will be drawn at the commencement of the Competition.
Ends to be played will be decided once number of entries confirmed.
Rinks to be decided by a draw at the commencement of each set of Matches
Entry:- £2/player (paid on the day).
Entries on the Entry Form displayed on the Pavilion.
Closing Date:- Noon Sunday 28 April 2024
Dress:- Informal
Each Rink will have a "tee peg" marked in the centre 19 metres in one direction and 23 metres in the other.
The Cott will be placed on the "tee peg" and if it is moved at any time during a Games it will immediately be replaced to its original position.
If it is impossible to put the Cott back because it is obstructed by a Wood the Cott will be place in front of and touching the Wood as agreed by both Players. If the spot subsequently becomes available the Cott will be put back on the "tee peg" immediately.
A toss will take place at the beginning of each Match and the Winner decides who is to play first. Subsequently the Winner of each End plays the first Wood.
Shots are won as per the normal rules.